
Re-roofing is the process of layering one set of new shingles over a set of existing shingles. It can only be done once, so if you already have two layers of roofing in place, re-roofing is not an option for you. Because there is no tear off, re-roofing can go much faster and be much less expensive than a complete roof replacement.

Re-roofing can sometimes be a good choice for homeowners who have a roof that is nearing the end of its lifespan, but that is in overall good shape. There may be some minor issues or leaks, but no major water damage, soggy or missing shingles, or large amounts of moss or mildew growth.

Call Dan McCullers Today

McCullers Roofing Inc. is dedicated to providing quality workmanship and materials, specializing in re-roofing, industrial, residential, and commercial maintenance, as well as emergency repairs.

Our key to success has been founded on an uncompromising code of integrity and reliable, long-term performance. The result is consistent, quality work. You receive long-term value for your dollar with reliable and long-term roofs.

Tampa Bay, Florida Re-roofing Call (727) 538-0808